Cafe Terrace Dessert - Takishmaya - Saigon Center

Yoghurt with fresh fruits.
Look at what we have here, does it look appealing to you? ;) you better say yes! haha I went with my family to this cafe called Cafe Terrace.
I ordered this yoghurt with fresh fruits and I was totally impressed by the presentation of it.
You can pour the terrace sauce which is the little cup of orange with black seed on top of the fruits adding ice cube in it which makes it really refreshing.

Mixed seasonal fruits in sugar syrup.
I think my family loves their fruits, majority of them got this dessert. Again, the presentation of it looks nice, it has decent amount of mixed seasonal fruits on top, another refreshing dessert. The fruit tasted fresh with a mix of the sugar syrup too, it's making my mouth watery as I am writing. Damn!
So which one would you go for? The yoghurt dessert or this one? I'll let you choose. ;)


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